leMIAFF! Montreal International Animation Film Festival is an annual film festival in Montreal, Canada dedicated to the celebration of animation in all forms. The original name for the festival was ANIMAZE Animaze Animation Film Festival and is now called leMIAFF!, bringing animated films releases world-wide which may have limited theatrical releases but has since evolved to an acclamation of the full medium. The festival premier edition was held on November 18 to 20 of 2011 and was built around 5 core events which all subsequent editions will contain: * An international film contest for full-length features * A charity Saturday morning cartoon charity show in which a selected network/year's Saturday morning line-up is recreated * A student shorts contest that pits school against school and recognizes the top 3 individual entries * Master-class by an industry guest preceding a showing of a feature they worked on * Tribute to a landmark film which is celebrating an anniversary ==International film contest== Animaze's first objective is to bring to light the best international features that will never make it to large North American audience. The focus is on adult themed films that are continuously passed over in the American market because they are not taken seriously as a result of being animated. Animaze awards a prize to the "Best in Show" as determined by a panel of judges and a "Audience Favorite" as determined by the viewers.〔 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「LeMIAFF! Montreal International Animation Film Festival」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク